Pandemic: How Did the Job and Employment Search Change for You?

The pandemic lasted for over two years. The first year was the most difficult time for employees because it was extremely hard to look for another job when COVID cases were on the rise. Not only that, but it was also hard for companies and businesses to provide a big amount of space between employees to work as well. Although masks and gloves allow employees to be more safe, the majority of companies did not want to take that risk.
So how did it seem possible that one could lose their job without warning? Or how their work environment changed unexpectedly within an amount of weeks? Many employees were moved to work remotely while others lost their jobs. About 9.6 million employees from ages 16 to 64 lost their jobs from 2019 to 2020. The younger generation were at a higher risk of losing their jobs which puts them in a vulnerable place.vwerwer

As for newer independent and smaller businesses, they were forced to shut down before their business started to grow. As a result, many employers were constantly looking for jobs and many businesses began to look for employees . The problem was brought to light when many employees were rejecting businesses’ job offers due to fear of lack of safety. Because the supply chain was unfortunately cut short, many businesses did not have the safety equipment when working during the pandemic. Not only that, but many businesses were not able to hire employees back for the same reasons as well.

Now that job hiring is on the rise, are you ready to go back to work? Even more, are you ready to tell employers what kind of job you want? Head to
MoreWithUs at provides a solution for both employees and business owners seeking to move on. The process is fairly easy and simple. The only thing employees have to do is create a free job profile and they should get a notification through their email to verify their account. Here is the catch — in a good way. Instead of the employees having to reach out to companies, companies will reach out to them via email. As for companies, they can find employees that fit the requirements based on their education level and their work experience. What makes MoreWithUs a good choice for searching for jobs is that the majority of the jobs provided are usually remote.