Addyson Grace Hoffman

Weatherford, OK

Employment Type

Any Job Types

Job Interests

Information Technology, Grocery, Child Care, Dental, Tutoring, Farm work, Nonprofit, Community Organizing, Office & Administrative, Sports & Physical Fitness, Recreation, Parks & Outdoor, Pets & Veterinary Clinic, Any Job

Additional Info

Education Level: High School

Work Experience: More Than 5 Yrs

Availability: Anytime

Attributes: Hardworking, Quick learner, Good Communication, Leadership, Honest, Integrity, Trustworthy, Reliable, Self-motivated, Detail-oriented, Problem Solving, Proactive

Who Am I

As I grew up with my four siblings, my parents taught us The Core Values through many rules and expectations. When we were old enough to walk, our dad introduced us to work. Every available day during summer and school, we worked. This value has taught us hard work, productivity, accountability, responsibility, and honesty. Every child in our family had to pay, in full, with cash, for their first car as well as gas, insurance, and fees. We also are responsible to pay for our education after high school. These expectations became a tool for money management and a positive motivation to work hard and long in order to afford a car, gas, college, and future expenses. Other values that my parents have instilled in our family are time management and responsibility. In order to be on time, we must arrive fifteen to thirty minutes early for any occasion. Each week, every kid had a list of the weekend and daily chores that had to be completed, with no excuses. These values have played an immense role in shaping me into the person I am today. 


Experience with computers/ electronics/softwares (Microsoft Office; Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, QuickBooks, GoogleDrive; Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms)

Social skills

Organizing, cleaning, and gardening

Experience with adolescent children

Ability to operate a tractor, a stick-shift (manual transmission vehicles), forklift, push mower, regular riding mower, zero-turn mower, weedeater, and ATVs

Disciplined, hard-working, honest, respectful, and accountable

Employment History:

Hoffman Pools & Spas/
Office Worker and Customer Service
January 2011- Present

Hoffman Rentals /
Manager and Cleaning Attendant
January 2011- January 2020

Hoffman Farms/
Ranch Hand
January 2011- January 2020

Umping and Referee
Summers of 2020, 2021, and 2022


Perkins Paint Horses/
Ranch Hand; Trainer and Horse Breeder
February 2020- Present 

References: Yes


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