Alissa Yankelevich

Walnut Creek, CA

Employment Type

Any Job Types

Job Interests

Tutoring, Arts & Theatre, Data & Online Work, Media, Graphics, Recreation, Parks & Outdoor, Lab & STEM

Additional Info

Education Level: High School

Work Experience: Less Than 1 Yr

Availability: Anytime

Attributes: Hardworking, Quick learner, Good Communication, Creative, Helpful, Trustworthy, Reliable, Self-motivated

Who Am I

A cross country runner, avid reader, and aspiring filmmaker, Alissa is a high school student who is interested in pursuing numerous hobbies. In terms of work, she's recently been exploring the field of architecture. 
Just as cross country is about endurance, reading is about finding meaning in each page, and filmmaking is looking at things in a new light, Alissa's outlook towards her commitments encompasses all of those elements. When not at school, Alissa enjoys traveling and being surrounded by nature.


Writing and the Literary Arts, Photography, Videography and Art, Endurance running (Las Lomas Cross Country Athlete), Foreign Language Proficiency: Native Russian Speaker, Year 3 Spanish Student, Public Speaking, Time management and organization

Employment History:

Mark Thomas Civil Engineering Firm Internship

References: Yes


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