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1 to 2 Yrs
3 to 5 Yrs
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High School
Associate Degree
Some College

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High school senior

Brooklyn , NY    Job Interests: Delivery, Nonprofit, Community Organizing, Customer Service, Internship & Volunteer, Lab & STEM
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2022-05-09

I will be graduating from high school soon and have worked in construction.

Norton Shores, MI    Job Interests: Snow Removal, Nonprofit, Maintenance & Cleaning
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2022-05-09


Overland Park, KS    Job Interests: Electronics & Computers
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: Associate Degree
Last Seen: 2022-05-09

High school senior at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Gurnee, IL    Job Interests: Data & Online Work, Office & Administrative, Graphics, Event Planning, Finance & Banks, Restaurants & Food
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2022-05-09

Will be attending Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service beginning fall of 2022.

Barrington, IL    Job Interests: Grocery
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2022-05-09

I am a sophomore at University of Missouri and I'm planning to study abroad on the Semester at...

Deerfield, IL    Job Interests: Recreation, Parks & Outdoor, Internship & Volunteer, Restaurants & Food
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2022-05-12


nokesville, VA    Job Interests: Any Job
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2022-05-09

I currently attend Menlo School in Atherton, CA

Pacifica, CA    Job Interests: Nonprofit
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2022-05-09

Hard worker, very adaptable in multitudes of situations, quick learner

Cleveland, OH    Job Interests: Retail Stores, Information Technology, Grocery, Delivery, Office & Administrative, Graphics, Parking lot & Garage, Electronics & Computers, Gaming & Entertainment, Warehouse & Factory, Cafe & Pizzeria, Restaurants & Food
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2022-05-09

I have almost a year of experience as a cashier

Royersford, PA    Job Interests: Music, Grocery, Cafe & Pizzeria, Restaurants & Food
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2022-05-09