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1 to 2 Yrs
3 to 5 Yrs
More Than 5 Yrs

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Associate Degree
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My name is Jovita Marin, I am able to handle multiple tasks as well as fast learner and eager ...

Chino Hills, CA    Job Interests: Retail Stores, Child Care, Customer Service, Laundry & Dry Cleaning, Gas Station & Carwash, Pets & Veterinary Clinic
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Associate Degree
Last Seen: 2021-04-19

I'm open to discuss.

Dekalb, IL    Job Interests: Automotive, Retail Stores, Information Technology, Hardware & Furniture, Handyman & Repair, Maintenance & Cleaning
   Experience: More Than 5 Yrs    Education: Associate Degree
Last Seen: 2021-04-19

My name is Ismael Flores, I am a student ar Mount San Jacinto Community college and I am trans...

Winchester, CA    Job Interests: Retail Stores, Media, Graphics
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Associate Degree
Last Seen: 2021-04-17


Scarborough, ME    Job Interests: Tutoring
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-04-17

Nurse Tech positions

Grand Rapids, MI    Job Interests: Child Care, Health & Social Services
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2021-04-17

Grand Rapids, MI    Job Interests: Health & Social Services
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2021-04-17

6'5 Adult Male 

Houlton, ME    Job Interests: Retail Stores, Sports & Physical Fitness, Gaming & Entertainment
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-04-17

I am a college student.

Portland, OR    Job Interests: Tutoring
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2021-04-16

My name is Mallory Tindel and I am 17 years old. I will be graduating from high school in May ...

Panama City, FL    Job Interests: Music, Child Care, Tutoring, Arts & Theatre, Health & Social Services
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-04-16

Waukegan, IL    Job Interests: Music, Dental, Tutoring, Nonprofit, Event Planning, Internship & Volunteer, Pets & Veterinary Clinic, Any Job
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Other
Last Seen: 2021-04-15