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Bachelor's degree in Accounting

Houston, TX    Job Interests: Information Technology, Massage, Spa & Tanning, Community Organizing, Customer Service, Data & Online Work, Office & Administrative, Finance & Banks, Human Resources
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: Bachelors
Last Seen: 2020-10-21

Need work.

rochelle , IL    Job Interests: Automotive, Office & Administrative, Any Job
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2020-10-20

I am a Senior in College hoping to pursue a career as an editor in publishing. 

Laurel, MD    Job Interests: Tutoring, Nonprofit, Arts & Theatre
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2020-10-20

Willing to learn new things.

District Heights, MD    Job Interests: Grocery, Finance & Banks, Gaming & Entertainment, Marketing, Sales, & Merchandising
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2020-10-19

Senior at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, majoring in Business Technology Administra...

Catonsville, MD    Job Interests: Information Technology, Office & Administrative, Media, Graphics, Event Planning, Marketing, Sales, & Merchandising, Any Job
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: Bachelors
Last Seen: 2020-10-19

I would be happy to shadow a veterinarian or volunteer with animals.

Hyattsville , MD    Job Interests: Pets & Veterinary Clinic
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2020-10-19

Dekalb, IL    Job Interests: Warehouse & Factory
   Experience: More Than 5 Yrs    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2020-10-18

I am seeking for a part-time employment in the computer science field.

Hyattsville, MD    Job Interests: Information Technology
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2020-10-18

Bowie, MD    Job Interests: Internship & Volunteer
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2020-11-07

I am a sophomore student student at the Penn State University, majoring in marketing. My code ...

Orangeburg, NY    Job Interests: Marketing, Sales, & Merchandising
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2020-11-12