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I am interested in finding an Internship I am a graduate student at the Our Lady of the Lake i...

Houston, TX    Job Interests: Nursing Homes, Nonprofit, Community Organizing, Internship & Volunteer
   Experience: More Than 5 Yrs    Education: Bachelors
Last Seen: 2020-09-22

I am a recent graduate and interested in work in the public health field. I have 3+ years expe...

Dallas, TX    Job Interests: Nonprofit, Community Organizing, Data & Online Work, Office & Administrative, Finance & Banks, Internship & Volunteer, Health & Social Services
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: Bachelors
Last Seen: 2020-09-16

I am a third year student at Aurora University. I am a majoring in psychology and businesse...

wheaton, IL    Job Interests: Child Care, Tutoring, Nonprofit, Data & Online Work
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2020-02-21

I am interested in tutoring and social service jobs. I have worked with youths and in schoo...

Urbana, IL    Job Interests: Tutoring, Community Organizing
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: Bachelors
Last Seen: 2020-01-24

Nicholas Djossou is a transferring Junior from Bowie State University, now at the University o...

Bowie, MD    Job Interests: Arts & Theatre, Media, Graphics, Event Planning, Internship & Volunteer
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2020-08-28

Sophomore economics major at UMBC

Rosedale , MD    Job Interests: Nonprofit, Community Organizing, Customer Service, Data & Online Work, Office & Administrative, Finance & Banks, Internship & Volunteer, Marketing, Sales, & Merchandising
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2020-09-26

I am a senior in Marketing Communications and Communications Studies at the University of Wisc...

Saint Paul, MN    Job Interests: Marketing, Sales, & Merchandising
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Some College
Last Seen: 2020-11-13

Work from home.

Vernon Hills, IL    Job Interests: Data & Online Work, Health & Social Services, Assisted Living & Seniors
   Experience: More Than 5 Yrs    Education: Associate Degree
Last Seen: 2020-08-27

Computer Science BS at UMBC

Germantown, MD    Job Interests: Information Technology, Data & Online Work, Electronics & Computers, Gaming & Entertainment
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Bachelors
Last Seen: 2020-08-30

Stocking and warehouse worker

Baltimore, MD    Job Interests: Retail Stores, Grocery, Delivery, Arts & Theatre
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2020-10-14