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Find Job Seekers

High School Student Athlete 

Hampton , VA    Job Interests: Lab & STEM
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Other
Last Seen: 2021-11-12

I am a well-rounded person with great social and technical skills. I can work on vehicles, mac...

Normal, IL    Job Interests: Automotive, Farm work, Handyman & Repair, Warehouse & Factory
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: Associate Degree
Last Seen: 2024-06-05

Not Interested in jobs.

Tallahassee, FL    Job Interests: Any Job
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-11-12

I am an STEM student at an early college at NC A&T. I am interested in the medical and law...

Summerfield, NC    Job Interests: Retail Stores, Dental, Sports & Physical Fitness, Health & Social Services
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: Associate Degree
Last Seen: 2021-11-11

I am an 18 year old high school senior who is ready to work!

Baltimore, MD    Job Interests: Retail Stores, Grocery, Nursing Homes, Community Organizing, Internship & Volunteer
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-11-21

Looking for any job that pays well and with flexible hours 

Landover , MD    Job Interests: Grocery, Any Job
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-11-10

I am not currently looking for a job. I work part-time at a park and am a Junior in high schoo...

Houston, TX    Job Interests: Any Job
   Experience: Less Than 1 Yr    Education: Other
Last Seen: 2021-11-10

Love working outdoors with people. I am ready to do whatever is asked of me. 

Oakley, ID    Job Interests: Tutoring, Farm work, Graphics, Recreation, Parks & Outdoor, Landscaping & Construction, Marketing, Sales, & Merchandising
   Experience: 1 to 2 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-11-10

High school student interested in local politics, community organizations, and activism. 

San Jose, CA    Job Interests: Community Organizing, Office & Administrative
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-11-10

High school student interested in politics, nonprofits, and activism. 

San Jose, CA    Job Interests: Community Organizing, Office & Administrative
   Experience: 3 to 5 Yrs    Education: High School
Last Seen: 2021-11-10